We are upgrading our video quality BIG TIME!! In order to provide the highest possible quality videos we are re-encoding as many scenes as possible to a much higher resolution and replacing the older ones one scene at a time.
These new videos will play in a much higher quality and will also stream to all your mobile devices a lot faster than before. Even though this is a huge undertaking, this upgrade will make improve your member experience 10 fold and we are very excited about it here. It is our continued goal goal to provide the best content even if it means we have to go back and reprocess older masters to do it. ALL videos on the site should still be available and embedded with-in the page. Some videos may or may not be downloadable for a short time during the re-process. ALL videos will be downloadable as well as stream-able after we process them.
However, if you run into an issue, please forward us the URLs to: support@clubdomcash.com along with your user name so we can immediately investigate and correct the issue.
That said, we apologize for any inconvenience if some videos are not displaying correctly as we switch from the older quality to the newer one. The upgrade does not affect the entire site all at once but only affects those scenes in the process of being changed over. We will complete the upgrade within a few days. Thanks for your help and understanding. We hope you enjoy the higher quality and appreciate our efforts to make the best member experience possible. After all, we are doing it for you!!!
Thanks for all your support